Wednesday, November 12, 2008

tHE gREAT Grand Father

Manuel dela Pena y Pena President of the Supreme Court of Justice

Manuel de la Peña y Peña

Manuel de la Peña y Peña

He was born in Mexico City. When he finished primary school, he studied in the seminary where he made his carrier as an external student. He got his degree of lawyer in 1811. In 1820, the king of Spain named him Judge of Quito, but he did not fulfill the position, whereas he decided joined to the independent movement.

During the government of Iturbide he was named advisor of State and he gave him the cross of the Order of Guadalupe. He was elected as one of the four orators of the Constituent Meeting; Minister of the Supreme Court in 1824, Secretary of the Interior in 1837 and Minister of State in 1847.

He was also senator and deputy in several Congresses. In two occasions he occupied the Presidency of the Republic. First was as a result of the resignation of General Santa Anna on September 16,1847, de la Peña was President of the Supreme Court of Justice, he took power and established the government in the city of Toluca. He remained in the position from September 26 to November 13, 1847.

When he was President of the Supreme Court, he took position of the Presidency from January 8 to June 3, 1848, when General José Joaquín Herrera took possession. On February 2, 1848 de la Peña signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Mexico and U.S.A. He belonged to several scientific societies and in 1841 he formed the civil code, besides, he participated actively in the formation of organic bases, as a member of the Legislative National Meeting. He died in Mexico City.

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